
Drug trafficking at an All-Time High

This article from Sri Lanka highlights increasing drug trade throughout Asia. In particular, Sri Lanka is seeing a dramatic increase in heroin trafficking which is causing serious health and security challenges.
This alarming article from Sri Lanka highlights increasing drug trade throughout Asia.  In particular, Sri Lanka is seeing a dramatic increase in heroin trafficking which is having serious health and security challenges

Contrasting Trends of Smoking Cessation Status

Scientific article
Abstract Objective The World Health Organization recommends that smokers be offered help to quit. A better understanding of smokers’ interest in and commitment to quitting could guide tobacco control efforts. We assessed temporal...

Moving Thailand’s Mountain of Alcohol-Related Harm

Few low- and middle-income countries have done so much to protect their citizens from alcohol-related harms, but Thailand still faces challenges. Apiradee Treerutkuarkul reports. Today Thailand is one of the few developing countries with...

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