
Revealed: The Global Cost of Smoking

Smoking and its related harms cost the world more than $1 trillion and claim the lives of around 6 million people each year, according to a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Cancer Institute. $1 trillion...

Australian Smoking Habits

Smoking is a serious health issue worldwide. Prevalence, however, has steadily declined across Australia over the last several decades thanks to a number of successful public health campaigns. The number of smokers in the country is now...
Australian Smoking Habits

Maltreatment and Marijuana Use

Scientific article
Is the maltreatment of children linked with marijuana use later in life? Are behavioural problems and tobacco and alcohol consumption during adolescence associated with smoking marijuana? These are questions that an Australian study...

'Big data' on American Youth

Last week the National Institutes of Health (NIH) released the results of the annual Monitoring the Future Survey.
Monitoring the Future Survey

Nicotine and Tobacco: Current Issues, Policy and Practice

Event Date
United Kingdom

The UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies (UKCTAS) will offer a four-day course on nicotine and tobacco control at the University of Stirling, UK. The course is aimed at professionals working in a range of organisations who are interested in public health and policy.

Smoking in Films: Adolescents and Unregulated Exposure

Scientific article
In its latest Smoke-Free Movies Report, the World Health Organisation (WHO) advised governments that films featuring tobacco use ought to be classified for their adult content. Published in the journal Tobacco Control, a new study supports...

TEACH Core Course: Learn How to Treat for Tobacco Use Disorder

Event Date

This online introductory course will help learners to screen, assess and treat people with tobacco dependence using evidence-base pharmacotherapies and psycho-social interventions. The TEACH Project has a primary goal of reducing the prevalence of tobacco use in Ontario, Canada by increasing identification and

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