
ISSUP Côte d'Ivoire (CILAD) conducts National Trainings on the School Track Curriculum

The Comité Interministériel de Lutte Anti-Drogue (CILAD)[Interministerial Drug Control Coordinating Committee) and two trainers from its pool of national UPC trainers : Dr Badou Roger (GCCC Commissioner)- Dr KOUAKOU Issouf (ICAP Prevention UPC) conducted the first face-to-face training on the School Track : Prevention of Drug use in School settings from 29 July to 3 August 2024 (6 days).

ISSUP Côte d'Ivoire runs 2nd Session of UPC Training in Daloa

ISSUP Cote d'Ivoire in collaboration with ICUDDR conducted the second session of the UPC Curriculum training from 23rd to 31st August 2024. The training was held in the town of Daloa within the central west region of Côte d'Ivoire. 

The 24 participants can be see in the photo below wearing polo shirts with the logo of ISSUP in Côte d'Ivoire national branded colours. Whereas the teachers and researchers from the university are wearing polo-shirts with ICUDDR logos. 

Build your Expertise: Five Benefits of Universal Treatment Curriculum Self-Led Courses

Opinion piece, commentary
Are you looking to enhance your knowledge and gain skills in substance use prevention and treatment? The ISSUP Online Learning Hub offers a selection of free Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) self-led courses in both English and Spanish. Whether you're a student, treatment professional or simply interested in expanding your knowledge of the subject, these courses are for you.
The ISSUP Online Learning Hub offers a selection of free Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) self-led courses in both English and Spanish.

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