
Why don't they just stop using drugs then?

Video and audio recordings
Why don't they just stop using drugs then? Making the case for trauma and ACE informed substance use services. Andrew has developed trauma and ACE informed approaches in North Wales and other parts of the UK and Ireland during the last five...

Vicarious Trauma

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
The term vicarious trauma (Perlman & Saakvitne, 1995), sometimes also called compassion fatigue, is the latest term that describes the phenomenon generally associated with the “cost of caring” for others (Figley, 1982). Other terms used for...

Trauma and Substance Use

Video and audio recordings
This webinar provided information about the nature of trauma (including post-traumatic stress disorder) and its effects. As well as discussing the link between trauma and the use of alcohol and other drugs (including methamphetamine).

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