
Supporting Women to Access Appropriate Treatment Study

Supporting Women to Access Appropriate Treatment (SWAAT) is a National Drugs Strategy Strand 2 Strategic Health Initiative which aims to build community capacity to support women to access treatment and recovery from drug and alcohol use...

Supporting Women to Access Appropriate Treatment

Scientific article
Supporting Women to Access Appropriate Treatment (SWAAT) is a National Drugs Strategy Strand 2 Strategic Health Initiative which aims to build community capacity to support women to access treatment and recovery from drug and alcohol use...

Dame Carol Black's Independent Review of Drugs - Part 2

Event Date

Collective Voice are delighted to welcome Dame Carol Black as the keynote speaker of our next webinar, presenting the findings from the second part of her Independent Review of Drugs.

Dame Carol's presentation will be followed by comments from Rosanna O'Connor, Interim Director, Health Improvement at Public Health England.

Dame Carol and Rosanna will then take questions.

ISSUP Lebanon Updates - Jan-Jun 2021

On February 2021, ISSUP Lebanon hosted its first webinar of the year entitled, ‘Prevention of Drug Use and Other Risky Behaviours in Youth: From Evidence to Policy and Programs’, with Lilian Ghandour, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at the American University of Beirut on substance use epidemiology and evidence-based prevention programs.

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