La Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC) llevó a cabo entre 22 y 24 octubre 2019, en Brasilia, un entrenamiento sobre la naturaleza, prevención y tratamiento de los trastornos relacionados con las drogas. El...
9th International Workshop on HIV Persistence, Reservoirs and Eradication Strategies Conference
The 9th International Workshop on HIV Persistence during Therapy will be held in Miami, from December 10-13, 2019.
This is the only scientific event tackling the topics of HIV Persistence, HIV Reservoirs and HIV Cure that attracts, every 2 years, VIPs and young investigators. Its quality increases at each edition, with more and more fresh data not yet shown elsewhere nor published.
UNODC realiza treinamento sobre uso de substâncias psicoativas para formuladores de políticas
O Escritório das Nações Unidas sobre Drogas e Crime (UNODC), deu início na segunda-feira (21), à capacitação sobre natureza, prevenção e tratamento de transtornos relacionados ao uso de drogas, em uma reunião fechada para autoridades, em...
UNODC Training for Uruguayan Policymakers on the Nature, Prevention and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders
A policy maker training on the nature, prevention and treatment of drug use disorders was organized for 50 participants in coordination with the National Board of Drugs (Uruguay), the UNODC Country Office in Peru and Ecuador, and the UNODC...
Comorbidity and Recovery
Imagine going through treatment numerous times but not being able to stop using. Imagine deciding not to use and doing everything you possibly can to stop using but relapsing despite all your efforts. If this sums up your situation or If...
When More Isn’t Enough: Women and Addiction, with Stephanie Covington
Wed, Oct 23, 2019 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
To register, please visit:
Enhanced Knowledge of Indonesian Policymakers on the Nature, Prevention and Treatment of Drug Use Disorders
30 policymakers from the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, the National Narcotics Board (BNN), the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the Ministry of Interior, and other entities participated in a three-day workshop...
Journal for Advancing Justice Volume II
Opioid-related morbidity and mortality in the U.S. has been steadily increasing over the last two decades. In 2017 alone, 2.1 million Americans suffered from opioid use disorder (OUD), and 47,600 died from opioid overdose. Predictably, the...
The Role of the Therapeutic Alliance in the Treatment of Substance Misuse: A Critical Review of the Literature
ABSTRACT Background: In the past two decades, a number of studies investigating the role of the therapeutic alliance in drug treatment have been published and it is timely that their findings are brought together in a comprehensive review...