Drug Matrix Cell A1: Interventions - Ways to Reduce the Harm

Initiates a fortnightly course on the evidence base for harm reduction and treatment in relation to illegal drugs. Comprehensively updated, the cell explores key research on interventions to reduce the harms to the user as a result of their...

The Licensing Act (2003): Its Uses and Abuses 10 Years on

Scientific article
Seen as excluding health concerns and requiring an individualistic and ‘premises by premises’ approach, interviews with stakeholders and a revisiting of the 2003 Licensing Act for England and Wales suggest it could nevertheless be used to...

Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix 2017

Time for a résumé of the 2017 refresh of the Alcohol Treatment Matrix. Released fortnightly, the 25 cells and ‘bite’ commentaries cumulated to a course reflecting on the most significant research underpinning practice, leading you through...

Drug Misuse and Dependence: UK Guidelines on Clinical Management

There is no more important document for doctors treating problem drug use in the UK than the so-called ‘Orange guidelines’. This major update will substantially inform judgements of what constitutes acceptable medical practice - should...

Drug Misuse and Dependence: UK Guidelines on Clinical Management

Often called the Orange Book, this is guidance for clinicians treating people with drug problems. This 2017 version offers new guidelines on: prison-based treatment new psychoactive substances and club drugs mental health co-morbidity...

Hepatitis C ‘Giant’ Still Growing

Half of all surveyed UK injectors infected, a quarter within three years of starting to inject - for a time it seemed impossible to reverse the epidemic of hepatitis C infection. Now we know that aided by new treatments which clear the...

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