
European Masters in Drug and Alcohol Studies

The European Masters in Drug and Alcohol Studies is designed to stimulate reflection and debate on crucial topics in substance use and misuse from a multi-disciplinary, European and cross-national perspective. It is run jointly by four...

Highs and Lows: Substance Use and Academic Performance

Scientific article
According to a new study published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE, US college students who consume medium-to-high levels of alcohol and marijuana have a consistently lower grade point average (GPA). The investigation compared students...

What are the Second-Hand Effects of Alcohol Consumption?

Scientific article
The ‘second hand effects’ of alcohol use can be defined as the negative consequences of drinking experienced by people other than the drinker. They can include, for example, serious acts of sexual and physical violence as well as more...

Low Self-Esteem Linked to Excessive Drinking Among Students

Scientific article
Student life and excessive drinking often go hand-in-hand. New research has found that it is students with low self-esteem that are more likely to indulge in unhealthy drinking behaviours than those with higher confidence levels. The...

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