urban health

9th City Health Conference

Event Date

The 9th City Health Conference will take place in Melbourne, 3rd-4th October.

City Health International is a network of individuals and organisations engaged in the study of and the response to structural health issues and health behaviour in the urban environment.


NIGHTS 2018 Conference

Event Date

NIGHTS 2018 conference will take place from the 15th to the 17th of November in Brussels. The event will address issues concerning night-time economy, nightlife culture, urban development and related public health concerns.

A special focus will be dedicated to urban-coexistence, nightlife-master plans, night councils and ambassadors, drug policy, festival-safety, leisure tourism and nightlife-bars.

International City Health Conference

Event Date
United Kingdom

This conference's programme will examine the increasingly complex relationships between policy makers, researchers, communities and individuals, in a world where change is rapid and information technology has increased access to information, as well as changing the dynamics of communication and influence. The focus will be on the role of cities and how they can and should respond to and manage the needs of their communities, to ensure health a

City Health 2016

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