
Migración femenina a Estados Unidos y consumo de drogas

Scientific article
Abstract Con el objetivo de conocer la experiencia migratoria a Estados Unidos de mujeres mexicanas, de identificar si cuentan con redes sociales cercanas de usuarias de drogas, así como valorar la presencia de consumo de dichas sustancias...

Women and drug treatment

Guide to clinical advice for treatment and rehabilitation programs in drugs in specific population of adult women. Are you an ISSUP member? If not, you can join ISSUP by registering here: https://www.issup.net/membership/apply Are a part of...

Effectiveness Bank Hot Topic: The ‘Forgotten’ Carers

One of our selection of hot topics on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. Both as a treatment resource for the patient and a group needing support in their own right, families affected by substance use are, claimed a UK...

Women and Substance Use

Scientific article
Abstract Objectives: To explore contextual factors that increase vulnerabilities to negative sexual and reproductive health (SRH) outcomes and possible differences in SRH-related behaviours and the needs of women who use drugs (WUD) through...

Final Report: Opioid Use, Misuse, and Overdose in Women

Executive Summary This report was developed as part of an initiative of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office on Women’s Health (OWH) to examine prevention, treatment, and recovery issues for women who misuse opioids...

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