young adults

Counselling Emerging Adults With Substance Use Disorders

Event Date

Substance use developmentally peaks during emerging adulthood (ages 18-25). Many emerging adults who develop problematic substance use during this developmental period have been exposed to environmental, individual, and interpersonal stressors throughout the life that places them at risk for ongoing difficulties with substance use as they transition to adulthood.

Prevention Tools: What Works, What Doesn’t

Every substance use prevention specialist should read this free booklet written by Joe Neigel and published by the Washington State Care Authority. Prevention Tools is an excellent prevention resource that, as the title indicates...
ISSUP prevention tools

Free Webinar: Practical Evidence-Based Substance Use Prevention

Video and audio recordings
Webinar Objectives: Examine evidence-based & evidence-informed substance use Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) screening & brief interventions List differences between typical substance use prevention and Prevention Plus Wellness programs...

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