
Knowledge Broker​​​​- Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

Shared by Edie - 7 August 2020
Originally posted by Edie - 7 August 2020

It is the mandate of the Strategic Partnerships and Knowledge Mobilization (SPKM) division to facilitate, lead and participate in the gathering, connecting and mobilizing people, knowledge and other resources for collective action and change toward shared goals.

Reporting to the Director, Knowledge Mobilization, the Knowledge Broker works collaboratively with other divisions in CCSA, draws on existing bodies of knowledge or evidence from research and other sources, and works with key stakeholders to provide tailored, evidence-informed guidance and practical tools to facilitate desired changes in practice, programs or policies. Through facilitating the collaborative efforts of stakeholders and partners, this role uses effective knowledge mobilization approaches to encourage the application of evidence in practice, program and policy development and implementation.


  • Lead or assist in the developing and implementing knowledge mobilization plans on assigned national priorities
  • Work closely with CCSA colleagues to identify partners and stakeholders across Canada, and ensure they have access to CCSA products and services to address their needs and issues
  • Identify networks of stakeholders and partners that can both benefit from and contribute to the collective effort to reduce harms to and improve care for those affected by substance use and addiction
  • Work with CCSA colleagues to interpret and summarize research findings to form the basis of knowledge mobilization plans, products, tools and activities to inform practice, policy and program development in the field of substance use
  • Participate in environmental scans and needs assessments with stakeholders to identify issues and problems, readiness for change, and common goals and solutions
  • Coordinate project work on assigned national priorities through applying principles of project planning and administration, and collaborating with colleagues, including by identifying deliverables, timelines, risks, budgeting and stakeholder engagement
  • Participate in continuous learning and peer-to-peer learning opportunities with colleagues, partners and networks to advance knowledge and competency of effective knowledge mobilization practices in the substance use field
  • Collaborate with colleagues to enhance the application of sex- and gender-based analysis + to research, product development and tool development
  • Lead collaboration efforts with a variety of stakeholders to negotiate creative, practical and relevant approaches to knowledge mobilization for sustainable solutions and change