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Abhipraya Foundation Menyelenggarakan Webinar untuk Praktisi dan Penggiat di Bidang Adiksi Napza Pada Masa Pandemi COVID 19.

Shared by Livia - 9 October 2020
Originally posted by Gidien Amri - 8 October 2020

Yayasan Abhipraya (Abhipraya Foundation) sebagai organisasi nonprofit yang bergerak di bidang pencegahan dan penanganan adiksi Napza di Indonesia bermaksud menjawab kebutuhan mengenai perubahan kebijakan dan tantangan bidang adiksi dan kesehatan mental di era pandemi dengan menyelenggarakan sebuah webinar kesehatan pada tanggal 5 Oktober 2020 dengan topik: Substance Use Disorder, Mental Health, and Covid 19 Pandemic: Changes and Challenges, dengan pembicara:


  1. Dr. Danardi Sosrosumihardjo, SpKJ(K). Ketua Seksi Psikiatri Adiksi PDSKJI.                   Keynote Speech: Ethicomedicolegal in Substance Use Disorder Management.
  2. Dr. dr. Diah Setia Utami, SpKJ, MARS. Ketua Umum PP PDSKJI. Topik: Trends of Substance Use and Mental Health Disorder during Covid 19 Pandemic in Indonesia.
  3. Sivakumar Thurairajasingam, MBBS, MMedPsych. Associate Professor, Monash University, Malaysia. Topik: Substance Use and Mental Health Disorder Comorbidity: Management Challenges in the Pandemic Era.
  4. Miriam Cue, Ph.D. Chairperson, Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology Professional Regulation Commission Philippines. Topik: Psychosocial intervention for Mental Health Comorbidity and Substance Use Disorder.
  • Moderator: dr. Zulvia Oktanida Syarif, Sp.KJ. Anggota Pengurus Pusat PDSKJI.


Pandemi Covid 19 yang terjadi di berbagai negara di dunia telah menimbulkan dampak di berbagai aspek. Orang dengan gangguan penggunaan zat (substance use disorder) merupakan populasi yang rentan terhadap infeksi Covid 19 dikarenakan berbagai faktor terkait kondisi klinis, psikologis, dan psikososialnya. Tantangan di bidang sosial ekonomi juga ikut memperburuk situasi yang sebelumnya telah ada terkait strategi pencegahan dan penanggulangan gangguan penggunaan Napza.

Pandemi Covid 19 telah memengaruhi kondisi kesehatan mental di tengah masyarakat. Peningkatan angka kecemasan dan depresi menjadi perhatian khusus bagi para praktisi kesehatan mental. Berbagai penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa kurang lebih 50% pengguna zat memiliki masalah dan atau gangguan mental. Sebaliknya, orang dengan gangguan mental sebanyak 50% memiliki masalah penggunaan zat. Komorbiditas gangguan penggunaan zat dengan penyakit lainnya seperti penyakit infeksi dan gangguan mental, menyebabkan kelompok pengguna zat semakin rentan terhadap infeksi Covid 19.

Pencegahan dan penanggulangan gangguan penggunaan zat melibatkan peran berbagai pihak dari berbagai latar belakang keilmuan. Praktisi kedokteran baik dokter spesialis maupun dokter umum yang memiliki minat di bidang adiksi serta praktisi kesehatan lainnya seperti psikolog, perawat, maupun praktisi adiksi lainnya seperti pekerja sosial dan konselor adiksi, perlu memiliki pengetahuan mengenai kebijakan serta tantangan yang dihadapi dalam pencegahan dan penanggulaan Napza di era pandemi Covid 19.

Webinar ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan wawasan praktisi dan penggiat bidang adiksi Napza mengenai perubahan dan tantangan terkait pencegahan dan penanganan gangguan penggunaan zat di era pandemi Covid 19.






Abhipraya Foundation Organizes Webinars for Practitioners and Activists in the Field of Drug Addiction during the COVID 19 Pandemic.

The Abhipraya Foundation (Abhipraya Foundation) as a non-profit organization engaged in the prevention and management of drug addiction in Indonesia intends to answer the need for policy changes and challenges in the field of addiction and mental health in the pandemic era by holding a health webinar on 5 October 2020 with the topic: Substance Use Disorder, Mental Health, and COVID 19 Pandemic: Changes and Challenges, with speakers:

  1. Dr. Danardi Sosrosumihardjo, SpKJ(K). Head of Addiction Psychiatry of  PDSKJI.            Keynote Speech: Ethicomedicolegal in Substance Use Disorder Management.
  2. Dr. dr. Diah Setia Utami, SpKJ, MARS. Chairman of PDSKJI. Topic: Trends of Substance Use and Mental Health Disorder during the COVID 19 Pandemic in Indonesia.
  3. Sivakumar Thurairajasingam, MBBS, MMedPsych. Associate Professor, Monash University, Malaysia. Topic: Substance Use and Mental Health Disorder Comorbidity: Management Challenges in the Pandemic Era.
  4. Miriam Cue, Ph.D. Chairperson, Professional Regulatory Board of Psychology Professional Regulation Commission Philippines. Topic: Psychosocial intervention for Mental Health Comorbidity and Substance Use Disorder.
  • Moderator: dr. Zulvia Oktanida Syarif, Sp.KJ. Central Executive Member of PDSKJI.


The COVID 19 pandemic that occurred in various countries in the world has had an impact in various aspects. People with substance use disorders are a population vulnerable to COVID 19 infection due to various factors related to their clinical, psychological, and psychosocial conditions. Challenges in the socio-economic field also exacerbate the existing situation regarding strategies for preventing and overcoming drug use disorders.

The COVID 19 pandemic has affected mental health conditions in society. Increasing rates of anxiety and depression are of particular concern to mental health practitioners. Various studies have shown that approximately 50% of substance users have mental problems and / or disorders. In contrast, 50% of people with mental disorders had substance use problems. The comorbidity of substance use disorders with other diseases such as infectious diseases and mental disorders has made substance users more vulnerable to COVID 19 infection.

The prevention and control of substance use disorders involve the roles of various parties from various scientific backgrounds. Medical practitioners, both specialist doctors and general practitioners who have an interest in the field of addiction as well as other health practitioners such as psychologists, nurses, and other addiction practitioners such as social workers and addiction counselors, need to have knowledge of policies and challenges faced in the prevention and control of drugs in this COVID 19 pandemic.

This webinar is intended to increase the knowledge and insight of practitioners and activists in the field of drug addiction regarding changes and challenges related to the prevention and handling of substance use disorders in the era of the COVID 19 pandemic.