Karen Belanger

Drug-Free Work Week Spotlight: Drug-Free Workplaces are Vital to Business!

Karen Belanger - 16 October 2020

In recognition of Drug-Free Work Week, the National Drug-Free Workplace Alliance celebrated with drug-free workplace themes each day.


Today, the National Drug Free Workplace Alliance and Drug Free Business are emphasizing the ongoing importance of drug-free workplace programs to businesses, especially in these trying times. It is essential that employers provide a strong message to all workers that drugs negatively impact workers' productivity and the company's bottom line. Here are some points to remember:


o  People with substance use disorders may be particularly susceptible to COVID-19,

o  Over 75% of employers have been affected in some way by employee opioid use.

o  The employee drug testing positivity rate is at its highest in 16 years - 28% higher than the thirty-year low 10 years ago.


Please watch these videos on drug-free workplaces and drug testing and find additional resources below:



Video - Drug Free Workplace Programs are Vital to Business

Video - Thinking About Dropping Marijuana From Your Drug Testing Program?



Drug-Free Work Week Resources

Drug-Free Workplace Program Information

Opioids in the Workplace Infographic

Marijuana in the Workplace Infographic

Alex Rodriges

Great article! Promoting drug-free workplaces is indeed essential for maintaining productivity, safety, and overall business success. In addition to these efforts, I recommend checking out https://icoholder.com. It's a fantastic resource for staying updated on trends and innovations in various industries, including tools and technologies that can support a drug-free workplace. By leveraging the insights and data available on ICOholder, businesses can enhance their strategies for maintaining a healthy and efficient work environment.