Karen Belanger

Helping a Friend or Co-Worker with a Substance Misuse or Addiction Problem

Karen Belanger - 11 November 2020

Helping a friend or co-worker with a substance use problem is a hard thing to do. You don’t want to betray a friendship or cause their job in to be in jeopardy. Unfortunately, the truth is that your friend may be putting themselves or other co-workers in danger by the use of drugs or alcohol while at work.  Helping them get assistance before there is a crisis could be a truly kind and compassionate act.


Here are some steps to take to help your friend or co-worker get help:


Do not confront the worker directly

This action will typically only result in denial and anger, damaging the relationship and causing workplace tension.


Seek help through a manager or human resources

Seeking help through your company’s leadership is the best solution. Most organizations can refer the employee to resources such as an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), or a local provider of counseling or substance use treatment to get professional support and assistance.


Don’t be anxious about reporting your suspicions

If it turns out you were wrong, no one will know and no harm was done.  However, if you were right, you have promoted safety in your workplace and protected your co-workers from potential harm.


Remember, ignoring the problem may make the situation worse

Not taking action when there is evidence of a substance misuse problem could result in severe or even tragic consequences.



Online resources from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

If Your Adult Friend or Loved One Has a Problem with Drugs


Cómo Reconocer un Trastorno por Consumo de Drogas