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Saima Asghar

Drug Use Awareness Programme at Iftikhat Academy Lahore By Pak Youth Council, ISSUP Pakistan, Youth Forum Pakistan and Anti-Narcotics Force, Punjab At Lahore-Pakistan.

Saima Asghar - 12 November 2020
Drug Use Awareness Programme at Iftikhat Academy Lahore By Pak Youth Council, ISSUP Pakistan, Youth Forum Pakistan and Anti-Narcotics Force, Punjab At Lahore-Pakistan.

Pak Youth Welfare Council in Collaboration ISSUP Pakistan, Youth Forum Pakistan and Anti-Narcotics Force, Punjab Organized a Drug Use awareness programme at Iftikhar academy on Dated 11th November, 2020. More than Fifty Student from different age groups participated in the event. Dr. Ali Sabri President Pak Youth Council, Member ISSUP and Advisor Youth Forum Pakistan, Mr. Faizan Rasheed Clinical Psychologist, Member ISSUP and General Secretary Youth Forum Pakistan and Mr. Shehzad Ahmad Principle Iftikhar Academy delivered A awareness raising lecture about drug use.