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Saima Asghar

Awareness Raising Seminar against Substance Use Disorder By ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, Pak Youth Welfare Council, Youth Forum Pakistan Pakistan and Anti-Narcotics Force Paunjab at Lahore-Pakistan

Saima Asghar - 30 January 2021
Awareness Raising Seminar against Substance Use Disorder By ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, Pak Youth Welfare Council, Youth Forum Pakistan Pakistan and Anti-Narcotics Force Paunjab at Lahore-Pakistan

On Dated 1st January, 2021 ISSUP Pakistan Chapter, Pak Youth Welfare Council, Youth Forum Pakistan Pakistan and Anti-Narcotics Force Paunjab organised A Awareness Raising Seminar about Substance Use Disorder at UNIQUE High School and Academy Allama Iqbal Road Garri Shaun Lahore. Dr Syyed Ali Sabri  motivational speaker delivered a Lecture about harmful consequences of Drugs and raised awareness among Youth/ Students that how they can stay away from Drugs and prevent them from Substance Use Disorder.