Karen Belanger

New Webinar on Calculating Substance Use Costs to the Workplace

Karen Belanger - 4 March 2021


Substance Use Cost Calculator for Employers
Presented by Rachael Cooper and Dr. Eric Goplerud
3/17/21 @ 2pm-3pm EDT (UTC-4) 

Join the National Safety Council and NORC at the University of Chicago for a free webinar to learn about the new Substance Use Cost Calculator for Employers. Substance use is an issue in every U.S. workforce, with 1 in 12 workers dealing with an untreated substance use disorder. To address these issues, National Safety Council and NORC collaborated to update the Substance Use Cost Calculator for Employers, funded by Nationwide. This authoritative, easy-to-use tool can help employers understand how substance misuse impacts their bottom line and what they can do to address it.