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Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez

Office-Based Addiction Treatment Retention and Mortality Among People Experiencing Homelessness

Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez - 6 March 2021


Fine DR, Lewis E, Weinstock K, Wright J, Gaeta JM, Baggett TP. Office-Based Addiction Treatment Retention and Mortality Among People Experiencing Homelessness. JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(3):e210477. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.0477


Key Points

Question  What are the retention rates in an office-based addiction treatment program designed specifically for people experiencing homelessness, and is program attendance associated with reduced mortality risk?


Findings  In this cohort study of 1467 homeless or unstably housed adults with opioid use disorder, retention in the office-based addiction treatment program was 45.2% at 1 month, 21.7% at 6 months, and 11.3% at 12 months. Past-month office-based addiction treatment attendance was associated with a 66% reduction in mortality risk.


Meaning  Interventions to promote increased attendance in addiction treatment among people experiencing homelessness are needed to mitigate morbidity and mortality in this population.