
Postdoctoral Research Fellow- The University of Edinburtgh

Shared by Edie - 2 June 2021
Originally posted by Edie - 2 June 2021

Funded by Scottish Government, FAAST is an expert resource in prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), and has a national remit for teaching, consultancy and research. The post-holders will join this small team to progress an innovative research programme which includes multiple projects in service of developing a national evidence base to inform policy and service developments relating to FASD in Scotland.

Your skills and attributes for success:

  • Commitment to engage in research which aids in the prevention of prenatal alcohol exposure and supports the development of appropriate services for those with FASD
  • Established track record of independent research while meeting project and reporting deadlines
  • Confidence in applying appropriate quantitative research methods and statistical analysis
  • Enthusiasm to participate in multi-disciplinary and multi-agency working (including across health, social care and voluntary sector) to support individuals affected by prenatal alcohol exposure
  • Interest in contributing to FAAST’s broader remit across parallel work streams in teaching and consultancy