Karen Belanger

“Talk. They Hear You.” Substance Abuse Prevention Campaign for Parents

Karen Belanger - 5 October 2021

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) substance use prevention campaign helps parents and caregivers start talking to their children early about the dangers of alcohol and other drugs.


Since most parents work, this is a perfect in-house campaign resource for companies to educate their parent workers on talking to their children about not using alcohol and drugs. This campaign is complementary to existing drug-free workplace programs and provides them with enhanced content and guidance on having important conversations with their children, ever important in this digital age.


When businesses support their workers to help them balance their work and life it will ultimately benefit the employer by creating a workforce with increased productivity, improved retention rates and “happier” or more satisfied employees.


The materials are in both English and Spanish and include a couple of short Public Service Announcement (PSA) videos, downloadable postcards, flyers, discussion starter guides, and more that correspond with each of the 15 featured themes.


Go to the Campaign Website

Check Out the Campaign Themes and Download Materials