Julia Pipan

Recommended Resources from San Patrignano

Julia Pipan - 27 October 2021

"TRIPLE R, rehabilitation for recovery and reinsertion" and news about our international workshops.






This one is a link to researches made by Universities about San Patrignano, to pages with summaries of these sociological studies



At this link yu can download the full text of one of them:



And again, recent studies on SP:


"The Opioid Epidemic and the Therapeutic Community Model: An Essential Guide"

by Jonathan D. Avery, Kristopher A. Kast (book.google.it). (Chapter 9 is about San Patrignano)


"Mechanisms and context in the San Patrignano drug recovery community, Italy: a qualitative study

to inform transfer to Scotland" by Alison M. Devlin & Daniel Wight



And this is our YouTube channel with some videos in English:


Karen Belanger

Julia, your resources are excellent!  Do you have a link to the paper San Patrignano: A Narrative Approach to Substance Abuse Treatment in the Journal of Social Work Practice in Addictions - it doesn't seem to have a link.  Thank you!