James Koryor

GASD-Liberia Calls for Holistic Approach to Tackle Drug Law Reform in Liberia

James Koryor - 24 November 2021

The Global Action for Sustainable Development-GASD has made the latest call for a more inclusive and comprehensive review of Liberia Drug Law to tackle drug trafficking and massive drug abuse among young people in Liberia.


According to GASD-Liberia Executive Director, James Koryor, much has not been done to provide public education on the key provision on the amended portion of the law, lack of inclusive participation of key sectors and stakeholders has also raised more questions and answers in many quarters.


According to the anti-drug campaigners, globally and regionally governments and policymakers have realized that the war on drugs through arrest and incarceration has failed to address the problem. Therefore, stakeholders and policymakers have considered evidence-based drug prevention, rehabilitation, treatment, and support for substance users thereby putting more enforcement and tougher punishment on traffickers and smugglers to address the drug problem.


Koryor also stressed that with youths comprising over 60% of the population of the country and realizing that the youth segment of any countries population is most susceptible to abuse substances, there is a greater need for Liberia to prioritize and focus its efforts on substance abuse reduction strategies at the youth. This should in particular involve programs driven by young people themselves the He noted.


The GASD Executive Director further stated his institution is concerned about the protection of children whose parents are substance users and living in the ghettos because children are most vulnerable to harms posed by drugs and least capable to protect themselves or make appropriate decisions regarding drug abuse. “Children are innocent victims of adults’ drug use when such use prevents adults from fulfilling their roles as parents, caregivers, breadwinners, etc”. The Liberian Child, the country’s future and most prized resource, deserves, in accordance with the provisions of Article 33 of the Convention to the Rights of the Child to which most African countries are signatory including Liberia, special protection from substances of abuse Koryor stressed.


GASD-Liberia is also worried about the repressive policing practices with the use of brutal force and incarceration, without taking into consideration the prevention and health care component of substance abuse is counter-productive.


According to GASD-Liberia Boss, police should work in collaboration with local authorities and civil society in community-based prevention and early intervention programs where alternatives to incarceration and other methods that bring young people back into the community are used for minor drug offenses. Sanctions must be proportionate to the crime committed the release noted.

GASD-Liberia also calling on the Government through the Legislature for the prioritization of Substance abuse prevention strategies and programs and health care concerns which requires the establishment of dedicated specialized and dedicated agencies to cater for substance abuse prevention, treatment, and care issues as opposed to the current regime where such issues are lumped together in agencies whose primary focus is Drug Law enforcement.


The House of Representatives of the Liberian Legislature recently passed the amended Act making Drug Trafficking a non-Billable offense awaiting the concurrence of the Liberian Senate.


Global Action for Sustainable Development (GASD) a registered non-profit organization, first established in 2008 as Consolidated Youth for Peace & Development, GASD work to strengthen policies and programs that support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals through poverty reduction, gender equality, health, quality education, clean water & sanitation, zero hunger, drug prevention & policy reform, transparency & accountability, peacebuilding and environmental sustainability in Liberia.


GASD currently coordinates the Drug Policy Coalition of Liberia.

Ndip Ndip Sim…

So amazed with the efforts made by Global Action for Sustainable Development(GASD) in Liberia.

Keep up the Good Work