Longitudinal Impact of Childhood Adversity on Early Adolescent Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the ABCD Study Cohort: Does Race or Ethnicity Moderate Findings?
During the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, mental health among youth has been negatively affected. Youth with a history of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), as well as youth from minoritized racial-ethnic backgrounds, may be especially vulnerable to experiencing COVID-19–related distress. The aims of this study are to examine whether exposure to pre-pandemic ACEs predicts mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in youth and whether racial-ethnic background moderates these effects.
From May to August 2020, 7983 youths (mean age, 12.5 years; range, 10.6–14.6 years) in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study completed at least one of three online surveys measuring the impact of the pandemic on their mental health. Data were evaluated in relation to youths' pre-pandemic mental health and ACEs.
Pre-pandemic ACE history significantly predicted poorer mental health across all outcomes and greater COVID-19–related stress and impact of fears on well-being. Youths reported improved mental health during the pandemic (from May to August 2020). While reporting similar levels of mental health, youths from minoritized racial-ethnic backgrounds had elevated COVID-19–related worry, stress, and impact on well-being. Race and ethnicity generally did not moderate ACE effects. Older youths, girls, and those with greater pre-pandemic internalizing symptoms also reported greater mental health symptoms.
Youths who experienced greater childhood adversity reported greater negative affect and COVID-19–related distress during the pandemic. Although they reported generally better mood, Asian American, Black, and multiracial youths reported greater COVID-19–related distress and experienced COVID-19–related discrimination compared with non-Hispanic White youths, highlighting potential health disparities.
La Covid-19 ha generado su influencia en la salud mental de los seres humanos; el encierro y el desconcierto generado por las consecuencias mortales del virus incidió de tal manera que el ámbito laboral, social, familiar, entre otros se vieron afectados también y repercutieron en las personas.
Esta crisis generó un impacto significativo en el estado de salud y en la vida en general de las personas, considerando que la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) define la salud mental como "un estado de bienestar en el que un individuo se da cuenta de sus propias capacidades puede hacer frente a las tensiones normales de la vida, puede trabajar de forma productiva y es capaz de hacer una contribución a su comunidad".
Esta situación de salud generó dificultad para afrontar las tenciones generadas y desencadenadas por la pandemia, lo cual repercutió generando un efecto dominó y debilitando el sistema inmune debido a la carga de estrés y demás afectaciones psicológicas.