Karen Belanger

Guidance for Employers for Managing Substance Misuse in the Workplace

Karen Belanger - 21 December 2021

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has provided UK employers with guidance on managing drug and alcohol misuse in the workplace and supporting their employees including policy development, training, and resources.


CIPD research found that health and wellness of workers was impacted by social isolation and financial stress of the COVID-19 pandemic and that there was a need for employers to become more connected with the problem.


CIPD has conducted research and developed a number of resources to assist employers address substance use.  Visit the CIPD website to download these documents:


  • Guide: Managing drug and alcohol misuse at work
  • Guidance for line managers on providing support and dealing with disclosures
  • Top Tips: Planning training to manage drug and alcohol misuse at work
  • Training Scenarios: Managing drugs and alcohol misuse at work