Karen Belanger

What You Need to Know About CBD

Karen Belanger - 19 January 2022


Abbott - Drug Safe Workplace Website | Knowledge & Insights Blog | September, 2021

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, has spiked in popularity over the last few years. However, one consequence of a quick rise to fame is a great deal of misunderstanding, misinformation, and lingering questions about the substance.

What Is CBD and How is it Used?

CBD is a compound found in the cannabis plant, and it can be found in both hemp and marijuana. It has become extremely popular recently as a medical treatment for various ailments, most notably as an effective treatment for childhood seizures.[1] CBD is reported to alleviate anxiety, pain, insomnia, nausea, and more. But there is limited scientific research on the correct dosage of CBD (except for treating childhood seizures), the potential side effects of CBD use, or how it interacts with other drugs.


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