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Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez

Effect of Medical Marijuana Card Ownership on Pain, Insomnia, and Affective Disorder Symptoms in Adults A Randomized Clinical Trial

Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez - 18 March 2022


Gilman JM, Schuster RM, Potter KW, et al. Effect of Medical Marijuana Card Ownership on Pain, Insomnia, and Affective Disorder Symptoms in Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(3):e222106. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.2106


Key Points

Question  What are the risks and benefits of obtaining a medical marijuana card for adults who seek medical marijuana for pain, insomnia, and anxiety or depressive symptoms?

Findings  In this randomized clinical trial involving 186 participants, immediate acquisition of a medical marijuana card increased the incidence and severity of cannabis use disorder (CUD) and resulted in no significant improvement in pain, anxiety, or depressive symptoms, but improved self-reported sleep quality.

Meaning  Findings from this study suggest the need for further investigation into the benefits of medical marijuana card ownership for insomnia symptoms and the risk of CUD, particularly for those with anxiety or depressive symptoms.