Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez

Treatment outcome and readmission risk among women in women-only versus mixed-gender drug treatment programs in Chile

Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez - 1 April 2022


Olivari, C. F., Gonzáles-Santa Cruz, A., Mauro, P. M., Martins, S. S., Sapag, J., Gaete, J., ... & Castillo-Carniglia, A. (2022). Treatment outcome and readmission risk among women in women-only versus mixed-gender drug treatment programs in Chile. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment134, 108616.




•More than 50% of treatment ended with a patient-initiated discharge.
•Patient-initiated discharge was more frequent in women-only program.
•Readmission risk was higher among women that completed their treatment.
•Women-only and mixed-gender programs had similar treatment readmission risk.