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Supun Udana Wewala Gedara

Training on Universal Prevention Core Course (UPC - Core Course) for Prevention Professionals - 2nd Training

Supun Udana Wewala Gedara - 31 July 2022

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The second phase of the Universal Prevention Curriculum Training, organized and conducted by the Preventive Education and Training Unit of the National Dangerous Drugs Controal Board, was successfully completed on March 21, 2022. at Thalangama Training Centre, Koswatta, Sri Lanka. This was attended by 23 Outreach Officers and Preventive Officers representing Outreach and Preventive and Training Unit was designed to cover a total of 48 hours, with 30 hours of practical training over five days and 18 hours for in-home assignments. 

The curriculum provided free of charge by the Colombo Plan Secretariat and initial cost was borne by the US State Department.