Pulling Back the Curtain on Successful Prevention Campaigns
Wednesday, August 31, 2022, from 13:00 to 14:00 (ET, Washington, DC time)
Register now: https://thenationalcouncil-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_O2G9FNnoRS25muEYqfSUUA
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing's Substance Use Interest Group welcomes SAMSHA's Associate Administrator for Alcohol Prevention and Treatment Policy and ICCPUD Staff Chair Robert Vincent to explore the innovative strategies used across multiple SAMSHA substance use prevention campaigns to engage youth and youth-serving adults better.
The presentation will include direct insight into the inner workings of the "Talk. They Hear You" and the "Parents' Night Out" campaigns. Presenters will explore app-based interventions, the art of roleplays, building prevention capacity, program development, and assessment of campaign content and marketing through extensive feasibility research.
Contact: Alexandra Plante alexandrap [at] thenationalcouncil [dot] org (alexandrap[at]thenationalcouncil[dot]org)
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