
PhD Studentship - Developing and Evaluating an e-Cigarette Cessation Intervention

Shared by Edie - 15 October 2022
Originally posted by Edie - 15 October 2022

Background:  E-cigarettes are effective for helping people to stop smoking tobacco and consequently UK public health guidance promotes their use for tobacco cessation. However, we do not yet know how to support people to stop using e-cigarettes and a substantial minority of people who stop using tobacco by using e-cigarettes continue to use e-cigarettes long term. Some evidence indicates that long term use of e-cigarettes may increase users’ risk of relapsing back to tobacco, compared to people who do not use e-cigarettes long term, but this is not yet clear. Studies have also shown that most ex-smokers who use e-cigarettes would like to stop.

Research methodology: Project aims are: (1) review the literature to identify the risk of relapse back to tobacco among ex-smokers who use e-cigarettes long term and identify predictors of relapse; (2) investigate user experiences of long-term vaping, including relapse back to tobacco and attempts to stop using e-cigarettes, and explore e-cigarette cessation support preferences; (3) develop an e-cigarette cessation intervention, potentially via smartphone-based behavioural support, and evaluate its feasibility and acceptability in a mixed methods evaluation study. The project would provide the opportunity to undertake a systematic review and meta-analysis, a qualitative interview study, develop a behaviour change intervention and undertake a mixed methods evaluation study.

Training: Evidence synthesis, qualitative methods and analysis, mixed methods, statistical analysis including meta-analysis, intervention development and evaluation, writing for publication, thesis preparation, dissemination, and personal and professional development.

Person specification: The University of East Anglia are seeking a student with a good first degree (at least 2:1) and preferably a Masters in a related topic area (e.g., health psychology, public health, social science, research methods) or equivalent research experience. The student will have an interest in behaviour change, relevant research methods and data analysis, and will be committed and self-directed