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Wazhma Rateb


Wazhma Rateb - 8 December 2022

Gestalt therapy,

Gestalt therapy is a form of therapy that is based on the principles of psychology of perception and phenomenology.

Therefore, Gestalt therapy focuses on the person's expressive world and on his thoughts and feelings, as they are experienced in his time and place without seasons.

It does not pay attention to the history, therefore, in this method of treatment, issues such as how the person got into that state, or what was the reason for doing what he did, or what he will do and what will happen tomorrow, are not paid attention to. The problems of consciousness and the whole ego are emphasized in the creative relationship with the environment.

Usually Gestalt therapy is also known as "focus therapy" because its goal is to help the individual to add to his experience through his ad and to the frustrating experiences and efforts that They block this awareness and stop them from realizing, or what was the reason for doing what they did, or what will happen tomorrow, they don't pay attention, and the problems of awareness and the whole self are emphasized in the creative relationship with the environment, usually Gestalt therapy. It is also known as "focus therapy" because its purpose is to help the individual to add to his experience through his ad and to the experiences and Become aware of the frustrating efforts that block and stop this awareness