
Senior Knowledge Broker- CCSA

Shared by Edie - 19 December 2022
Originally posted by Edie - 19 December 2022

The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) changes lives by bringing people and knowledge together to reduce the harms of alcohol and other drugs on society. We partner with public, private and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to improve the health and safety of Canadians. An NGO with a national focus, CCSA envisions a healthier Canadian society where evidence transforms approaches to substance use.

CCSA acknowledges that the First Peoples are the holders of Traditional Knowledge. We respect the power of the Indigenous ways of knowing and of Traditional Knowledge and commit to learning about and incorporating this knowledge into our work with proper guidance.

Reporting to the Director, Knowledge Mobilization, the Senior Knowledge Broker is responsible for developing relationships with partners and synthesizing various forms of evidence to get the right information into the right hands at the right time. The Senior Knowledge Broker leads and proactively seeks opportunities for multi-faceted knowledge mobilization (KM) initiatives that will advance CCSA’s priorities to achieve desired change in programs, policies and practice. The Senior Knowledge Broker provides expertise in integrated KM. This role establishes strategic partnerships and buy-in from a range of stakeholders to achieve these changes and works collaboratively with other divisions in CCSA.