James Harvey

Piloting of the Guideline on Outpatient Treatment Program for Substance Use

Shared by James Harvey (ISSUP staff) -
Originally posted by CHARLES MABULAWA -
Event Date
City/Region/State or Online
Keetmanshoop, //Karas Region,
Event Type


The ISSUP Namibian Chapter, established as ISSUP-Namibia, in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Social Services, courtesy of the Directorate: Social Welfare Services, will be piloting a new Guideline on Outpatient Treatment Program for Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) in the //Karas Region of Namibia from the 16th - 20th of January 2023.

This partnership-led initiative, aims  at developing a standard outpatient program that provides the appropriate care for clients with less severe SUDs,  or a transitional care to the clients that are in the early stages of recovery awaiting intensive institutional based rehabilitation, within the Namibian context.

Furthermore, the development of this guideline will not only promote the drug demand reduction efforts across all regions in Namibia, but also dovetails with the Sustainable Development Goals - target 3.5 (SDP 3.5) which mandates the country with  strengthening the Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use, including Narcotic Drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol as set the by the Republic Government of Namibia

Invited participants of this events is not limited to the members of the multidisciplinary team working with SUDs in //Karas Region including Medical officers, Clinical Psychologists, Social workers, Occupational Therapists, Nurses, Community Chaplaincy and Religious care leaders, Recovery Support Workers etc.