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Mohad Dawood Rateb

Brain 🧠

Mohad Dawood Rateb - 22 January 2023

The Actual Weight Of The Brain 🧠 

The actual weight of the brain inside the skull is 1400-1700 grams; (Approximately 1.3-1.5 kg) Why don't we feel a lot of weight in our head? As it floats in the cerebrospinal fluid, the weight of the brain is reduced by the water surface to about 0.18 kg. Therefore, we do not feel its weight.

 This liquid also acts as a cushion against shock or sudden injuries; It removes waste from your brain and helps your nervous system function properly.

 One of the most valuable movements of prayer is prostration, when kneeling, this liquid goes up and down and gives a kind of massage to the brain, and this is one of the reasons for the relaxation after prayer.