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Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez

Provider self-efficacy in delivering evidence-based psychosocial interventions: A scoping review

Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez - 26 January 2023


Shapiro, C. J., Watson MacDonell, K., & Moran, M. (2021). Provider self-efficacy in delivering evidence-based psychosocial interventions: A scoping review. Implementation Research and Practice.


Plain language abstract:

Provider self-efficacy is known to influence implementation of evidence-based mental health interventions. However, the ways in which provider self-efficacy is defined and measured in implementation research literature is not well understood; furthermore, it is not clear what types of providers and interventions are represented in this literature. This scoping review adds to current research by revealing that there is no agreed upon definition or measure of provider self-efficacy in the context of implementation of evidence-based interventions, and that the research includes multiple types of providers (e.g., social workers, counselors, psychologists) and interventions. Self-efficacy appears to change as a function of training and support. To further research in this area, a common definition and agreed upon measures of this construct are needed.