Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez

August 2022 SAMHSA Recovery Now! Summit Executive Summary

Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez -



Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)


Executive Summary

August 9-10, 2022, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) hosted Recovery Now! Summit (RNS), bringing together nearly 200 in-person and virtual participants to collaboratively develop a national recovery agenda. Representatives included persons with lived experience of mental health or substance use challenges and recovery, substance use preventionists, harm reductionists, treatment and recovery support providers, researchers, staff of federal and state partners, and other allies. This summit was designed to reflect and build upon the significant developments in recovery-related support, research, and advocacy since the first SAMHSA-sponsored recovery summits, which were held in the early 2000s. The goals of the summit were to gather perspectives on the current strengths, opportunities, and aspirations of recovery movements and recovery work; gather perspectives on progress toward recoveryoriented systems over the past two decades, and on current strengths, opportunities, and challenges in operationalizing recovery-oriented systems; and identify key themes for new directions for SAMHSA’s recovery-related efforts in the 21st century. Across the two days, speakers in the five plenary sessions provided context, background information, and food for thought for participants to carry into the breakout sessions, in which they engaged in dialogue around four topics: (1) centering living experience in diverse settings, (2) promoting recovery-ready and recovery-rich communities; (3) preparing the workforce and workplace for integrating peers in diverse settings; and (4) addressing disparities and promoting equity and inclusion.