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Brian Morales


Brian Morales - 1 January 2019

UNODC Scientific Consultation – December 2015



David K. Basangwa Government Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Executive Director Butabika National Referral Mental Hospital, Uganda


The burden of disease due to alcohol and drug abuse is on the increase all over the world. The situation is even worse in Africa, especially in the Sub-Saharan region which for a long time have had been having alcohol and drug relate problems, but with limited capacity to fight the problem due to lack of financial resources.


While alcohol continues to be the leading substance of abuse on the continent, there is evidence of a growing problem of illicit drug abuse which not only includes traditionally known and available types, but also hard drugs like heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine.


Amidst other existing needs, many countries in Africa lack effective policy frameworks to adequately address the growing problem of drug dependence by way of prevention and treatment of drug use disorders.


Policy and programs in management of drug abuse encompass all strategies developed by a country to provide a comprehensive service including early identification, treatment and rehabilitation of people affected by drug use disorders. A successful strategy also includes systematic research, training and information dissemination in order to minimize harm from use of drugs.


Drug abuse in the Eastern Africa region, Uganda inclusive is on the increase. The situation is made worse by the many demand factors that include civil deprivation. Supply factors include the multiple porous borders, illegal production and weak laws that are not well enforced.

The presentation discusses an attempt to offer acceptable practice in light of the above and challenges so far faced by the process.


About the author


David K. Basangwa MD, M.MED, is a Government Senior Consultant Psychiatrist and Executive Director for Butabika National referral Mental hospital situated in Kampala, Uganda. He is also a honorary Lecturer in Psychiatry at the College of Health Sciences, Makerere University and a National focal person for substance abuse management in Uganda.

Dr. Basangwa is a researcher and writer. He has contributed chapters in books mainly in the area of addiction Psychiatry. He has further supported many studies in mental health and has supervised many students undertaking studies in this field.


As a medical Manager, Dr. Basangwa is currently concentrating on advocacy for mental health and improved quality of care for people with substance misuse and mental health in general.


Dr. Basangwa has also participated in many UNODC projects particularly those in the Eastern Africa region.



It's an interesting and informative presentation. In fact, the issues of concern raised by Dr. Basangwa are still relevant for discussion till today. We need more stakeholders to actively engage in the fight against drug and substance abuse.