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Barbara Correa

Training in the CHILD curriculum to the first professionals in the treatment of boys, girls and adolescents with substance use disorders in Paraguay

Shared by Barbara Correa - 29 November 2023
Originally posted by Barbara Correa - 28 November 2023

ISSUP Paraguay chapter, through the host organization, the Norberto Bobbio School of Government, enables training in the CHILD curriculum to the first professionals in the treatment of boys, girls and adolescents with substance use disorders in Paraguay.

On Friday, November 24, the in-person modality of the CHILD course opened in the Emperatriz II Room of the Excelsior Hotel. The participants, after the application and admission process, arrived from different parts of the country for the development of the course. This is the first time that a replica of this Curriculum has been made in Spanish and the eyes of the professionals from Plan Colombo and CICAD OAS are focused on this experience. The course is directed by national trainers Dr. Carmen Sánchez and Mgter. Nadine González and the international coaches Lic. Valeria Fratto (Argentina), Mgter. Azucena Ávalos Perú (Peru) and Lic. Priscila Valladares (Chile). The Curriculum of this course, with a view to intervention with Children and Adolescents for a Drug-Free Life (CHILD), is a specialized series for Universal Treatment (UTC) The Course organized by ISSUP Paraguay Chapter, has the support of CICAD, OAS, ISSUP Global and Colombo Plan and aims to provide professional tools based on scientific evidence, in order to face the challenges of the social scenario. The course has certification from the Ministry of Education and Sciences with DGUISITS Resolution No. 153/2023 and will be developed in person and remotely, has a duration of six months and a workload of 248 hours.

We thank OPACI, Banco Familiar and La Paraguaya Inmobiliaria for supporting the financing of this course.

- ISSUP Paraguay