Certificate Course in Korean Traditional Medicines
Launched ( KTMCC)a unique Korean Traditional Medicines Certificate Course in collaboration with South Korean Medical Doctors,on 20 th Dec 2023 were 30 Indian doctors were updated in Korean Traditional Medicines, this course is recognised by Delhi State Govt Paramedical council and candidates after successfully completing this course are eligible for Regestration with Para Medical Council and can practice freely traditional medicines,being CEO of Indo Korean Traditional Medicines my intention is just to update Medical facalties with evidence based Scientific Traditional Medicines and there Integration to avoid surgeries and provide better health care, we are collecting datas available on traditional medicines so that research can be conducted to know there potency .
We invite Doctors and Scientist from around the globe to join us in our research work and guide us with there experiences ,so as to come out with more effective cures .
Any one interested candidates join our you tube link
This can be assessed free of cost were we have recommended lectures.
After gaining interest comment can be added to join the course this course comes with para medical council Regestration,
Traditional medicines have wide range of therapeutics ,they can be used for various de addiction programs integratedly.
Sample copy of KTMCC certificate, Affiliation letter with paramedical council of India & Regestration Certificate can be provided on request,