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Sana Ullah Rathore

PYO side event "Role of Youth for drug policy and drug prevention" during CND 2024

Sana Ullah Rathore -

Pakistan Youth Organization (PYO) was organized side event on "role of Youth for Drug Policy and Drug Prevention" during 67th Session of UN commission on Narcotic Drugs on 20th March, 2024 at Vienna International Centre, Vienna Austria (Headquarter UNODC) in Hall MOEO 05 with the support of Drug Free America Foundation, Mian Afzal Trust Hospital (MATH) Gujranwala Pakistan, and World Federation Against Drugs, (WFAD). Mr. Sana Ullah Rathore, Ms. Joanna Travis Roberts, Chief Executive ISSUP - International Society of Use Professionals, Mr. Carlton Hall, (CHC USA) Ms. Beatrix Vas (Hungry), Ms. Sonja Neef (Spain), Mr. Mutaawa Rogers (Uganda) were among the Speakers. Ms Penny Hills (Australia) was the moderator of the side event. Mr. Sana Ullah Rathore welcomed the Speakers and Guests, he also briefed about activities of PYO and MATH Gujranwala Pakistan. He also said involvement of youth is very important for drug policy and drug prevention. That's why PYO organized this event. Ms. Jonna Chief Executive ISSUP - International Society of Substance Use Professionals shared how ISSUP involve the youth in ISSUP activities. Ms. Sonja and Rogers, Mr. Carlton and Mr. Husni discussed about youth involvement for drug prevention. Ms. Vas also shared about Youth group of Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC). Ms. Penny Hill moderated very well he also highlighted involvement of youth for drug policy and drug prevention is very much important. Mr. Brian A Morals, Branch chief INL U.S. Department of state, Mr. Jeremy Milson, Country representative UNODC Pakistan, Mr. Matej,  Chair Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs (VNGOC), Ms. Asia Ashraf Almas Secretary VNGOC, Mr. Kamran Niaz, Epidemiologist  UNODC Vienna, Ms. Cressida WFAD and others. In the end Mr. Rathore thanks speakers, moderator and co-sponsors for their support.