James Harvey

19th International Congress on Psychiatry, Egypt

Shared by James Harvey (ISSUP staff) -
Originally posted by James Harvey (ISSUP staff) -
ISSUP Egypt Conference
Figure 1 From left Mayar Nawara (ISSUP Egypt Coordinator); Radolf Nortey (ISSUP Regional Coordinator for Africa), Nahla Nagy (Director for Okasha Institute of Psychiatry and ISSUP Egypt); Thomas Schulze (President - World Psychiatrists Association)

Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine hosted the 19th International Congress on Psychiatry from 11 – 13 June 2024. The event also served as the 7th International Congress on Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 4th International Congress on Addiction Psychiatry & Dual Diagnosis and the 1st Regional Women Mental Health Middle East & North Africa Congress.

Running under the theme “Resistant Psychiatric Disorders Predictors and Challenges”, the Cairo-based congress provided an exceptional intellectual and cultural immersion through lectures, symposia, fora, and scientific activities.

The event was hosted by the Okasha Institute of Psychiatry, the host agency for ISSUP Egypt. The Okasha Institute of Psychiatry is a leading institution in the provision of psychiatric care, education, research, and training in Egypt. Prof Nahla Elsayed Nagy, the Director of the institute and focal point for ISSUP in Egypt described the event as a unique opportunity to harmonise novel interventions with existing research and practical experiences for the development of targeted and personalised therapeutic approaches.

Presenting at an ISSUP track session during the pre-congress, Dr Mayar Nawara highlighted the professional advantage in joining ISSUP and the need to strengthen the local network of organisations working in drug demand reduction. The session also featured a hybrid plenary discussion on the cultural impact of stigma surrounding substance use disorder treatment services across Arab countries.

The three-day event was scientifically rewarding, and attendees had access to a wide range of workshops focused on the prevalent issue of substance use disorders (SUDs), the availability of treatment options and the adoption of motivational therapy in addressing substance use disorders (SUDs).

“It was a great experience to see the depth of work invested towards drug demand reduction in Egypt. The Okasha Institute of Psychiatry is indeed a beacon of leadership in Africa when it comes to the seamless integration of academia and practice in professionalising the addiction workforce”, said Radolf Nortey, ISSUP Regional Coordinator for Africa, after the congress.