James Harvey


Shared by James Harvey (ISSUP staff) - 2 July 2024
Originally posted by James Harvey (ISSUP staff) - 2 July 2024

The Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia and Pacific, which has its headquarters in Colombo, Sri Lanka, is an inter-governmental organization with a membership of 28 countries in the Asia-Pacific and South America regions. CP is based on the partnership concept for self-help and mutual help in the development process with the focal areas being, human resource development and south-south cooperation. One of CP’s permanent programme is the Drug Advisory Programme (DAP) whom spearheaded drug demand and supply reduction solutions in the region since its inception in 1973. As part of DAP’s mandate to identify challenges, opportunities, priorities and needs at sub-regional and global level, stakeholders and focal point meetings are held regularly. This helps DAP establish and maintain constructive working relationships with its implementing partners including NGOs, government representatives, donors and other stakeholders.

Applications are invited from qualified and experienced personnel from Central Asia for this home-based position, which meets the required criteria:  This hire position is contingent upon donor funding.  

Purpose:The Programme Manager has the primary responsibility of ensuring that the objectives of the Dissemination of Universal Treatment Curricula initiatives in Central Asia are achieved within the allotted time frame. The Drug Advisory Programme has successfully achieved its goals in Central Asia regarding the implementation of Substance Use Disorder Treatment activities, including the training of addiction practitioners working with people who use drugs. The Programme Manager will continue to oversee and advance this project. 

Full Job Description and Application Information (PDF)