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Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez

Case Management: Case Study, UTC 6

Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez - 25 June 2019

One of the most relevant topics of the second session of the UTC Training of Trainers (ToT), held during February 2019 and organized by CICAD, was 'Case Management.' The UTC 6 focuses on Case Management for Addiction Professionals and gives the theoretical foundation and exercises, such as case studies, to provide future UTC trainers with a definition and an overview of the principles and functions of case management.


On the picture, you can see Dr. Bridgett S. Neamo presenting Angela's case study (Resource Page 2.1 of the UCT Trainer's Manual). This small-group exercise is designed to help trainers demonstrate the possible utilization of each of the five case management functions. Trainers need to produce their materials to present in front of the whole group. It is a splurge of creativity!