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Nele De Vriendt

About the presentations

Nele De Vriendt - 2 July 2019

Professor Fischer just mentioned, after noticing people in the audience taking pics of her projected slides, that she's willing to share the whole of her presentation.

I'd love if just all presentations of all speakers throughout all days could become available for all ISSUP-members. That would be just great to have something to fall back on to, I know already -sadly- I will not be able to remember everything I'm hearing these days. There's so much interesting material !

Jose Luis Vazq…

I agree! Hopefully, ISSUP can share with us both the link to the presentations and the video recording.

Brian Morales

The presentations were also recorded and will be archived on the ISSUP website.

Raj Boyjoonauth

I understood that all the presentations of the plenary sessions were to be available on the ISSUP website, so as to allow training and workshop participants to access them since they were disadvantaged from being able to attend the main conference.