Karen Belanger

Drug Free Workplace Program Components

Karen Belanger - 18 November 2019

The following components of a drug free workplace program are typical of many employers’ comprehensive program features. Of course, details may vary by country or locale, industry standards, employment practices, or laws.

Written drug free workplace policy – the written policy identifies the specific provisions of the employer’s drug free workplace program and how infractions will be handled.

Drug and alcohol testing – testing workers for the presence of drugs or alcohol creates a deterrent effect that encourages them to avoid the use of substances outside of those prescribed by their licensed physician. The test results also establish the facts that employers could use in determining if the employee needs a referral for treatment or medical care, or what employment action to consider. The common types of testing include pre-employment, post-accident, reasonable suspicion, and random.

Employee awareness education – explains the employer’s drug free workplace program, the effects that drugs and alcohol have on the employee and the workplace, and the reasons drugs and alcohol are counter-productive in the work environment.

Supervisor training – helps supervisors learn and understand their role and responsibilities in their employer’s drug free workplace program.

Employee assistance – provides a formal plan or program to refer employees to when they need help addressing substance use or other behaviors adversely affecting their work performance. Programs may include counseling, an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), peer assistance, substance abuse treatment, and other similar programs.


  • Are these drug free workplace components similar to or different from those in your workplace or community?  If they are different, how and why?
  • What successes have you experienced using these (or other) drug free workplace components?