Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez

Modelling resilience in adolescence and adversity: a novel framework to inform research and practice

Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez - 26 November 2019


Malhi, G.S., Das, P., Bell, E. et al. Modelling resilience in adolescence and adversity: a novel framework to inform research and practice.Transl Psychiatry 9, 316 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41398-019-0651-y



Recent conceptualisations of resilience have advanced the notion that it is a dynamic and multifaceted construct. However, its adaptive components, especially those forged by adversity, have not been fully realised, and its neurobiological and psychosocial underpinnings are yet to be meaningfully integrated. In part, this is because a developmental perspective is often neglected in the formulation of resilience. In this review, we consider the findings of resilience research, with a specific emphasis on the developmental period of adolescence. To bridge the gaps in our current understanding, we propose a model of resilience that is predicated on experiencing adversity. Specifically, our model provides a sophisticated insight into the components of resilience, which, together with intrinsic features, involves facilitation of, and skill acquisition via strengthening processes we term tempering and fortification. The model also points to the potential trajectories of adversity-driven resilience and forms the basis of a framework that allows for individual variance in resilience, and the identification of both neurobiological and psychosocial targets for prevention and therapeutic interventions.

Elena Silvana Garzon

Me interesa particularmente la tematica del consumo en adolescentes, dado que en la actualidad estoy participando de un trabajo de investigacion que intenta comprobar la relacion entre el consumo de sustancias y ls conflictos con la ley. Dentro del marco de la ley de responsabilidad penal juvenil vigente en el pais. Por otro lado los factores de vulnerabilidad social y sus posibilidade de superacion personal. Tambien se manifiesta dicha posibilidad en el marco de la red social de la cual participa. Continuamos en contacto