Mathias Ngong Njoya

Drug abuse and HIV

Mathias Ngong Njoya - 1 December 2019



Alcohol use can have negative effects on both the body and behavior of an individual living with HIV. Regular consumption of alcohol can weaken the immune system and damage the liver, as well as lead to risky behaviors that increase the chance of getting HIV or passing it on to others.


Research has shown that people with HIV who regularly drink alcohol tend to have a higher viral load and lower overall CD4 count.


How Does Alcohol Use Affect a Person with HIV?

✔️Weakened Immune System

✔️Impaired Decision Making

✔️Negative Psychological Effects

✔️Reduce adherence to treatment

✔️Contribute to ARV resistance

✔️Poorer HIV treatment outcomes


Alcohol abuse is very dangerous specially for those already infected with HIV, so please let stay away from alcohol as we celebrate this World AIDS Day, so that we can have zero new cases and improvement in treatment.

#yadaf #destroythemyths #saynotodrugs #WorldAIDSday