Karen Belanger

Why Should Employers Establish a Drug Free Workplace Program?

Karen Belanger - 12 December 2019

Studies have found that nearly 80% of people suffering from illicit substance abuse hold full or part-time jobs. This means that they aren’t keeping their drug use separate from their work because drug abuse typically spreads into every aspect of a person’s life. Employers around the globe face the realities that, one or more of their employees may be taking illegal drugs, or abusing prescription drugs, and the only way they can help prevent drug use from affecting their business is to establish a Drug Free Workplace Program (DFWP). As an employer, it doesn’t mean that you are suspecting or blaming any of your employees of being on drugs, but it is simply the most effective way to prevent drug-related consequences from happening, which may include accidents, higher medical claim expenses, loss of productivity, decreased profits, and a hostile working environment for employees. Not only does establishing a drug free workplace program benefit the employer, but it also benefits employees by promising a safer, more productive working environment where a positive atmosphere is a top priority.


Question: What do you think of the statement, "Every employee deserves to work in a drug-free workplace?"  Why?