Drusilla Blinker

Values and norms with my tough guys

Drusilla Blinker - 23 December 2019

At the Willem van Lier School I had to deal with these tough guys😂. They were very hesitant to do this exercise because it could ruin their tough guy reputation. I still got them to do it and teach the the lesson behind it. In the video you'll see them standing in a circle while holding hands with me in the middle of the circle. This circle symbolized their values and norms being on one level. If for example my value is health the norm would be not to use any products that could harm my health. So because the values and norms were on one level I could not get through. I then let a few of them let each other go and I went through without much effort. I explained the dangers of chain reaction that happens when you start dropping norms and values. I also emphasized the importance of having the right values and norms. It was a very productive session.